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D2021は、坂本龍一とGotch(ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION)や永井玲衣(哲学者)が中心となり3.11の東日本大震災(Disaster)から10年(Decade)という節目の2021年3月から活動している運動体です。
2012年に坂本龍一が呼びかけて始まった脱原発を目指す音楽フェスティバル「NO NUKES」を発展解消して、脱原発に限らない様々なトピックに取り組むための活動としてD2021はスタートしました。
D2021は、様々なDを切り口に、これまでにドキュメンタリー映像”Decade” ”Documentary”やポッドキャスト番組”D-Radio”、イベント”D-composition”、サウンドプログラム”The Sound of Your 3.11”などの制作を行ってきました。2023年4月には、坂本の死を受けて、彼が生前まで訴えていた神宮外苑の木の伐採に反対する『Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto』という集会を開催しました。
現在 円 / 目標 5,000,000円
D2021 is a movement led by Ryuichi Sakamoto, Gotch (ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION), Rei Nagai (philosopher) and others that has been active since March 2021, the 10th anniversary (Decade) of the Great East Japan Earthquake(Disaster) of March 11, 2011.
D2021 was launched as an extension of the "NO NUKES" music festival that started in 2012 with Ryuichi Sakamoto's call for anti-nuclear power generation, however, D2021 tries to work on various topics not limited to nuclear power generation.
So far, D2021 has produced documentary videos ”Decade” “Documentary”, podcast programs ”D-Radio”, event ”D-composition”, and sound program “The Sound of Your 3.11”. In April 2023, following Sakamoto's death, D2021 held a gathering named "Demonstration with Ryuichi Sakamoto" to oppose the deforestation in Jingu Gaien, which Sakamoto had been calling for until the last moment of his death.
D2021 will continue to produce events, multimedia contents such as videos, podcast program, and zine, and international cultural exchange programs that will serve as a starting point for dialogue and action on various social issues.
This donation will be used to finance D2021's future activities.